Tomi B.


What is your connection to the Great 80238?

I have lived here for 12 years, since I was born. I go to school at William “Bill” Roberts.

What about you would surprise people that don't know you?

I enjoy many sports including soccer and climbing. I have been to Israel 11 times and have traveled many other places.

What is currently on your playlist?

I like music so this is a very difficult question to answer. But right now I am into Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, and Panic at the Disco. Also, some rappers that I can’t put on here.

If you could have any superpower, which would it be and why?

I would be able to turn invisible because I would be able to go help others without having to show my face and get caught.

What is your favorite thing to do in The Great 80238?

My favorite thing to do is go to the 29th Avenue Town Center with my friends.

What is your favorite meal?

Rack o’ Lamb and artichokes .


Jeff Stahlhut