Ronnie V.

Ronnie V.PNG

What is your connection to the Great 80238?

I have been beautifying and pool prepping this awesome community since 2008. I am very happy to be part of the Clementine’s family at the Stanley. My connection and relationship with my clients is the sole part of my business. Plus, I have the coolest owners Ever!!!

What about you would surprise people that don't know you?

One of these answers may surprise you and one may not. I am a diehard when it comes to volunteering at my kids school. I think it’s important to support your teachers and schools. One of my earliest jobs was being the Easter Bunny in the mall. All I gotta say is that suit is Toasty.

What is currently on your playlist?

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Always and Forever!! Reggaeton, Lana del Rey, Sam Smith - I’m pretty open.

If you could have any superpower, which would it be and why?

Telekinesis. How amazing would that be to move objects with your mind!

What is your favorite thing to do in The Great 80238?

I love all the super yummy restaurants. I mean, seriously, the list goes on and on.....

What would your Last Meal be?

I’d like some crispy Brussels sprouts, French fries and a goat cheese beet salad with candied walnuts, Yum! And if you’re asking, for dessert I’ll have anything with an oatmeal streusel topping.

Jeff Stahlhut