Stephanie T.
What is your connection to the Great 80238?
I have lived in Stapleton for 6 years and my family was one of the first to build on the North side so it has been so fun watching it grow over these last 6 years. I currently am a Bar Method Instructor at The Bar Method Stapleton
What about you would surprise people that don't know you?
I am a wife and mom of 2 boys, Jack (7) and Teddy (5). I am a fitness enthusiast, so working out is my “me” time. I enjoy Bar Method as well as lifting weights at Bladium. I recently started a fitness focused Instagram @steph_healthymountainmama and as a result have started an online nutrition coaching business
What is currently on your playlist?
My playlist is all over the place but my favorites are Florida Georgia Line, Eric Church, Chris Stapleton....basically anything country!
If you could have any superpower, which would it be and why?
I would love to make myself invisible (like a fly on the wall). To be in my kids classrooms when they don’t know I’m there to see how they interact or when my husband is at home doing “who knows what” when I’m gone! On second thought...maybe I don’t! Ha!
What is your favorite thing to do in The Great 80238?
So many things! I for sure love to work out here and we also love to hit up Stanley Marketplace with the kids. We also love the summer concert series at Conservatory Green and riding our bikes to the pool. We love it here!
What would your Last Meal be?
Probably a huge plate of pasta from my favorite Denver restaurant, Carmine’s on Penn.